var common = $.extend({}, common); //站点名称 common.SITE_PATH = ""; common.closeWhenSave = true; common.getJsPath = function (js) { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var path = ""; for (var i = 0, l = scripts.length; i < l; i++) { var src = scripts[i].src; if (src.indexOf(js) != -1) { path = src.split(js)[0]; break; } } var href = location.href; href = href.split("#")[0]; href = href.split("?")[0]; var ss = href.split("/"); ss.length = ss.length - 1; href = ss.join("/"); if (path.indexOf("https:") == -1 && path.indexOf("http:") == -1 && path.indexOf("file:") == -1 && path.indexOf("\/") != 0) { path = href + "/" + path; } return path; }; var dialog; var handler; common.maxDialog = function (url, title, hdr, option) { var layer = parent.window; if (layer == null) { layer = window; } this.showDialog(url, title, $(layer).innerWidth(), $(layer).innerHeight() - 40, hdr, option) }; common.maxDialog4rw = function (url, title, hdr, option) { var h = $(window).innerHeight() - 100, w = $(window).innerWidth() - 100; this.showDialog(url, title, w, h, hdr, option) }; //显示对话框 common.showDialog = function (url, title, width, height, hdr, option) { var bootPATH = common.getJsPath("common.js"); var thisPATH = common.getJsPath(location.href); var dlg = common.findDialog(); handler = hdr; option = $.extend({ absolutePath: false, closable: true }, option); if (url.substr(0, 1) == '/') { option.absolutePath = true; } var allClose = option.allClose; option = $.extend({ id: Math.random(), content: 'url:' + (!option.absolutePath ? thisPATH : '') + url, width: width, height: height, title: title, min: false, max: false, parent: dlg, lock: true, resize: false, wnd: window, close: function () { //重新置顶,解决无法获得焦点的问题 if (dlg) dlg.zindex(); if (dialog.content.window == null && dialog.content.window.returnValue == null && allClose) { common.closeDialog('$', dialog.content.window); } else { common.closeDialog(dialog.content.window.returnValue, dialog.content.window); } } }, option); if (!option.closable) { option.close = function () { return false; }; } dialog = dlg == null ? $.dialog(option) : dlg.opener.$.dialog(option);; return dialog; } //查找对话框 common.findDialog = function () { if (frameElement != null && frameElement.api != null) { return frameElement.api; } else if (parent.frameElement != null) { return parent.frameElement.api; } return null; } //关闭窗口的函数 common.closeDialog = function (result, wnd) { if (result == null) { return; } if (typeof handler == 'function') { if (handler(result, wnd)) { return; } } //$r.是刷新标识返回值 if (result == '$r.') { common.refreshWindow(dialog.config.wnd); } else if (typeof result == 'string' && result.indexOf('$r.:') != -1) { var dg = result.split(':')[1]; $('#' + dg).datagrid('reload'); } } //刷新窗口 common.refreshWindow = function (wnd) { if (wnd == null) wnd = window; if (typeof (wnd.Sys) != 'undefined' && wnd.Sys.WebForms) { var mgr = wnd.Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); if (mgr._postBackSettings == null) { mgr._postBackSettings = mgr._createPostBackSettings(true, null, null); } mgr._onFormSubmitHandler(); } else { wnd.document.forms[0].submit(); } } //关闭窗口 common.closeWindow = function () { var dlg = common.findDialog(); if (dlg != null) { dlg.close(); } } //刷新父页面 common.refreshParent = function (dg) { common.findDialog().content.window.returnValue = dg == undefined ? '$r.' : '$r.:' + dg; } //设置窗口的返回值 common.setReturnValue = function (value) { common.findDialog().content.window.returnValue = value; } //显示处理的进度条 common.showProcess = function (title) { if (title == null) { title = '正在加载...请稍候'; } var mask = $("
"); var msg = $("
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'info' : 'warning', fn); } else { layer.messager.alert('提示', d, 'info', fn); } }; //显示确认对话框 common.confirm = function (msg, fn, f2) { $.messager.confirm('提示', msg, function (r) { if (r) { fn(); } else if (f2) { f2(); } }); }; common.prompt = function (msg, fn) { $.messager.prompt("提示", msg, function (r) { if (fn) fn(r); }); }; //处理返回值 common.processResult = function (result, succeed, faild, _alert) { if (result == null || typeof result == 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof _alert == 'undefined') { _alert = true; } if (result.code == 0) { if (result.message && result.message.length > 0) { common.alert(result); } if (typeof faild == 'function') { faild(); } } else { if (result.code == 1 && result.message == 'Invalid') { $('#form1').form('invalid', result); } else { if (result.code == 1 && _alert) { common.popup(result.message); } if (typeof succeed == 'function') { succeed(); } } } } common.getUrlParam = function (name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); //构造一个含有目标参数的正则表达式对象 var r =; //匹配目标参数 if (r != null) { return unescape(r[2]); } return null; //返回参数值 }; common.getJsUrlParam = function (js, name) { var script = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0; i < script.length; i++) { me = !!document.querySelector ? script[i].src : script[i].getAttribute('src', 4); if (me.substr(me.lastIndexOf('/')).indexOf(js) !== -1) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); //构造一个含有目标参数的正则表达式对象 var r = me.substr(me.indexOf('?') + 1).match(reg); //匹配目标参数 if (r != null) { return unescape(r[2]); } } } return null; //返回参数值 } //格式化数字 common.formatNumber = function (num, settings1) { var regions = []; regions[''] = { symbol: '', positiveFormat: '%s%n', negativeFormat: '-%s%n', decimalSymbol: '.', //小数点 digitGroupSymbol: ',', //千分位 groupDigits: true }; var defaults = { name: "formatCurrency", colorize: false, region: '', global: true, roundToDecimalPlace: 2, //小数位 eventOnDecimalsEntered: false }; //defaults = $.extend(defaults, regions['']); var settings = $.extend({ name: "formatCurrency", colorize: false, region: '', global: true, roundToDecimalPlace: 2, //小数位 eventOnDecimalsEntered: false, symbol: '', positiveFormat: '%s%n', negativeFormat: '-%s%n', decimalSymbol: '.', //小数点 digitGroupSymbol: ',', //千分位 groupDigits: true }, settings1); num = '' + num; if ('\\(') >= 0) { num = '-' + num; } if (num === '' || (num === '-' && settings.roundToDecimalPlace === -1)) { return; } // if the number is valid use it, otherwise clean it if (isNaN(num)) { // clean number num = num.replace(settings.regex, ''); if (num === '' || (num === '-' && settings.roundToDecimalPlace === -1)) { return; } if (settings.decimalSymbol != '.') { num = num.replace(settings.decimalSymbol, '.'); // reset to US decimal for arithmetic } if (isNaN(num)) { num = '0'; } } // evalutate number input var numParts = String(num).split('.'); var isPositive = (num == Math.abs(num)); var hasDecimals = (numParts.length > 1); var decimals = (hasDecimals ? numParts[1].toString() : '0'); var originalDecimals = decimals; // format number num = Math.abs(numParts[0]); num = isNaN(num) ? 0 : num; if (settings.roundToDecimalPlace >= 0) { decimals = parseFloat('1.' + decimals); // prepend "0."; (IE does NOT round 0.50.toFixed(0) up, but (1+0.50).toFixed(0)-1 decimals = decimals.toFixed(settings.roundToDecimalPlace); // round if (decimals.substring(0, 1) == '2') { num = Number(num) + 1; } decimals = decimals.substring(2); // remove "0." } num = String(num); if (settings.groupDigits) { for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) { num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + settings.digitGroupSymbol + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3)); } } if ((hasDecimals && settings.roundToDecimalPlace == -1) || settings.roundToDecimalPlace > 0) { num += settings.decimalSymbol + decimals; } // format symbol/negative var format = isPositive ? settings.positiveFormat : settings.negativeFormat; var money = format.replace(/%s/g, settings.symbol); money = money.replace(/%n/g, num); return money; } //向post data里添加令牌以防止CSRF攻击 common.antiToken = function (data) { var o = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]'); if (o.length == 1) { data["__RequestVerificationToken"] = o.val(); } } /* 禁止空格键 */ function banBackspace(e) { var ev = e || window.event; //获取event对象 var obj = || ev.srcElement; //获取事件源 var t = obj.type || obj.getAttribute('type'); //获取事件源类型 //获取作为判断条件的事件类型 var vReadOnly = obj.readOnly; var vDisabled = obj.disabled; //处理undefined值情况 vReadOnly = (vReadOnly == undefined) ? false : vReadOnly; vDisabled = (vDisabled == undefined) ? true : vDisabled; var vContentEditable = obj.contentEditable; //当敲Backspace键时,事件源类型为密码或单行、多行文本的, //并且readOnly属性为true或disabled属性为true的,则退格键失效 var flag1 = ev.keyCode == 8 && (t == "password" || t == "text" || t == "textarea") && (vReadOnly == true || vDisabled == true); //当敲Backspace键时,事件源类型非密码或单行、多行文本的,则退格键失效 var flag2 = ev.keyCode == 8 && t != "password" && t != "text" && t != "textarea" && vContentEditable != "true"; //判断 if (flag2 || flag1) return false; } //禁止退格键 作用于Firefox、Opera document.onkeypress = banBackspace; //禁止退格键 作用于IE、Chrome document.onkeydown = banBackspace; $(function () { //注册按下回车后进行查询 $('.enterQuery').each(function (i, r) { var _this = $(r); var e = _this; if (_this.hasClass('easyui-textbox')) { e ='input.textbox-text'); } e.keydown(function (event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.preventDefault(); if (typeof query == 'function') { if (e != _this) { _this.textbox('setValue', $(this).val()); } query(); } } }); }); //注册扫描回车后进行查询 $('.scanQuery').each(function (i, r) { var _this = $(r); $("input","span")).change(function () { query(); }); }); }); common.uploadFile = function (fileType, title, fn, count, allowDoc) { common.showDialog(common.SITE_PATH + '/teacher/accessory/files/' + fileType, title ? title : "上传", 680, 580, function (res) { if (fn) fn(res); // if(res){ // $.each(res, function (idx,value) { // // }); // } }, { data: { fileSize: count, allowDoc: allowDoc } }); }; common.mendUploadFile = function (teaId, title, fn, count, allowDoc) { common.showDialog(common.SITE_PATH + '/manage/school/mendUpload/mend-upload-files/', teaId, title ? title : "上传", 680, 580, function (res) { if (fn) fn(res); // if(res){ // $.each(res, function (idx,value) { // // }); // } }, { data: { fileSize: count, allowDoc: allowDoc } }); }; common.DownLoadFile = function (options) { var config = $.extend(true, { method: 'post' }, options); var $iframe = $('